Cisco Vpn Could Not Connect To Server

  1. Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) FAQ
  2. Fix 10 Common Cisco VPN Problems - TechRepublic

I had a rented comcast router plugged to my time capsule. The time capsule was in bridge mode, and I was using its wireless network. With this setup, I could use the Cisco AnyConnect to connect to VPN normally. I recently purchased a modem from Arris (SB6141) to replace the rented modem. Since it is not a router, I cannot use the time capsule in bridge mode. Then I set to DHCP and NAT. Since then, every time I try to use the AnyConnect, I get the following message:

Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD) FAQ


Recipient(s) - separate email addresses with a comma Message. AOA viewers, In this video I will guide you How To download Install & Connect Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client on a Windows 10!Installing the VPN Client.Downl. Nov 07, 2005 A user running Internet Connection Sharing is having trouble installing the Cisco 3000 VPN client This is an easy one to fix. The user needs to disable ICS on his machine before installing the VPN.

'The VPN connection to the selected secure gateway requires a routable IPv4 physical adapter address. Please move to an IPv4 network and retry the connection or select a different secure gateway.'

I have tried to change some options on my time capsule after some searching on Google, but with no success. I did not want to go further and mess things even further. Hopefully somebody can help.


Time Capsule-OTHER

Fix 10 Common Cisco VPN Problems - TechRepublic

Posted on Jun 11, 2015 3:49 PM