Azure Storage Explorer Unable To Get Local Issuer Certificate

Developer community 2. Search Search Open Storage Explorer and go to Edit SSL Certificates Import Certificates. Then use the file picker to find, select, and open the.cer files that you created. If you can't find any self-signed certificates by following these steps, contact us through the feedback tool.

Ask questionsAzureFileCopy@4 : Unable to get FQDN for all resources in ResourceGroup


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Enter Task Name: AzureFileCopy@4

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  • Server - Azure Pipelines or TFS on-premises?

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Hosted: vs2017-win2016

Issue Description

Do AzureFileCopy@4 work with private IP VMs?

Task logs

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Azure Storage Explorer Unable To Get Local Issuer Certificate Download


Azure Storage Explorer Unable To Get Local Issuer Certificate List

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Azure Storage Explorer Unable To Get Local Issuer Certificatemicrosoft/azure-pipelines-tasks